Friday, December 31, 2010

Tanya Harville Events: Thank you and Happy New Year

Tanya Harville Events: Thank you and Happy New Year: "This past year has been a whirl wind for me, but a wonderful whirl wind to say the least. I made a hard decision to leave a wonderful job at..."

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thank you and Happy New Year

This past year has been a whirl wind for me, but a wonderful whirl wind to say the least. I made a hard decision to leave a wonderful job at Sam's Town Hotel and Casino where I worked along side a top notch staff and had the pleasure to learn from the best the food and beverage/entertainment industry has to offer. Working along side of the entire Sam's Town staff I was able to finally find myself and realize my dream; to embark on my own journey as wedding/event planner. What I learned while there is a major reason I am seasoned and as prepared as I am for whatever the wedding industry throws my way. I was fortunate enough to work with people who really saw me for who I am and allowed me to grow without limitations. All of you know who you are, many of you have left Sam's Town to pursue your dreams, but I wanted each of you to know just what an inspiration each of you in some way, shape, form or fashion touched me. I would name each of you, but the list is so long, besides, you know who you are. For all of this and more, I will be forever grateful to each of you. Thank you for the opportunity, the lessons, laughs and for putting up with me-I know this it wasn't always easy.
While on this new adventure, I have been fortune enough yet again to stumble upon a fantastically humble group of wedding planners who started off as just wedding associates and quickly became my friends. Having spoken to many, many wedding planners around the country I learned we were supposed to be enemies. We were supposed to compete against one another and yet we never did. Instead, we quickly became respectful, nurturing and compassionate heartfelt friends with each other. Each of us always know we are able to call each other with our major triumphs, share off the wall ideas and  trouble shoot our own personal issues while never being judged, only encouraged. Donna, Carol and Lani- throughout this next year, may we still set the bar high and our example even higher! I love you ladies!
Now a special thank you to the men and women who refer me business, gives me sound advise and help me attain the visions that swirl in my head. Jennifer Robison, Kevin Beasley, Jemi Adcock, Karen Haydel, Kelly Cathey, Jenanne Hine, Rebecca Dollar, Shane Morgan, Tiffany Morehead, Bernadette Stroud, Jennifer Terrell, Lana DeWease and Moss Duvall.... I owe each of you a HUGE thank you for answering my phone calls, always being open with me and being top notch wedding vendors. You guys enable me to do what I love and I could never begin to thank you enough.
To all of the brides and grooms I have been fortunate enough to work with this past year, I would like to give an extra special thank you. With out each of you, none of us would be able to follow our hearts and enjoy each day as we do.
Last but not least, the main two reasons all of this is possible is by the grace of God and the love of my husband. Without them, I would not be who I am and this last year would not have been possible. I owe them everything and will work tirelessly to attempt to repay the love and dedication in which they have bestowed on me.

To all of you, this is what I wish for your 2011
Peace- like I feel in my heart
Love- like I feel in my soul 
Prosparity- such I have been fortunate enough to obtain
True Friendship- just as I have been blessed with each of you

May 2011 be just as moving and meaningful as 2010!

Happy New Year,


Why hire a wedding planner??

Everyone has been asking, why would someone take money out of their wedding budget to hire a wedding planner? It's simple, a professional wedding/event planner can save you time, stress and money. It's as simple as that.
Contrary to popular belief, we are not here to boss you or push you in any certain way. We are only here to assist you. That's it, plain and simple. As a wedding coordinator, it's not my job to dictate to you what I feel you must have, should have, or have to have. It's my job to stand by you and assist you in finding what you must have, should have, and have to have. As a professional, I am here to help you realize your vision and assist you in attaining your dream while keeping you within your budget.

The next question is always with out fail, how? How can I help you??? That's as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4!

1. Contacts! I have been fortunate enough to have been invited into a circle of the most passionate, creative photographers, florist, musicians, make-up artists, venue owners and chefs. Over the years I have come to know this, Shreveport-Bossier city area has the top notch, Grade A wedding/event vendors and I am lucky to have worked with most of them. I will only recommended you to the people I would go to for my own personal needs. I feel anyone I send you to is a an extension of me and since I only want the best, I want you to have the best as well!

2. Education! Just as doctors and lawyers must continue learning through out their career, a great wedding planner will do the same thing. That is why I felt so strongly about joining the Association of Bridal Association, (ABC). To keep my membership I must complete a set number of continuing learning education, (CLE) hours each year or my membership is terminated. As a member, I am given a strong network of other event planners, vendors, trends, fashion and advise. At our national convention this last November, I was fortunate enough to meet David Tutura, star of, "My Fair Wedding". In the past the ABC has brought to us wedding gurus such as Emily Post, Colin Cowie, Preston Bailey and Sylvia Weinstock. This is important because they do not follow trends, they set them! Therefor, we as active ABC members get to hear it, see it, feel it and experience it before anyone else and in return, bring it to you!

3. Buying Power! Being apart of ABC, I have an international list of contacts and vendors to pull from, this allows me to join with all of the other members to buy from groups many other wedding/event planners would not have access to. This means discounts on many of the items you might find in your local stores! Seriously, why pay full price on something when you don't have too? We all love a great sale, right?

4. Stress Free! I know you have laid in bed at night thinking and dreaming of your perfect wedding day. However, when you were laying in bed, I'm sure you never envisioned your wedding day would entail laying out table clothes, folding napkins, setting place cards, calling vendors all while trouble shooting any last minute issues did you? Guess what, you shouldn't! It's your wedding day. That is what someone like me does. I got married a little over a year ago and even I hired someone! Why? I realized I wanted to enjoy every aspect of my wedding day, not work it.

All of the reasons above and more are why I feel most everyone should hire a wedding professional. A true professional will always refer others to vendors who are reputable and professional. They will continue their education as trends, fashion and wedding customs are always changing and evolving. They will listen to your wants, needs and desires and try to get you as close to your vision as possible all while keeping you within your budget. That is our goal, to assist you in achieving your dream day, not dictate it.