Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Go big or go home? I think not.

Weddings are defiantly something to be respected and treasured. Your wedding is most likely the only time in your life you will ever have all of yours and your hunny’s cumulative friends and family under one roof, so why not really celebrate this fact and use it to your benefit? In an era of, go big or go home, I challenge you to go against the grain and go just the opposite. To you, I say three little words…. Keep it intimate. If you want a wedding and reception that’s classy, fun and yet feels organic, keeping it small is the way to achieve all three.   

I realize you have to invite dear Aunt Sally who hasn’t laid eyes on you since you were prepubescent, which was so long ago you still had what your mother so affectionately referred to as, “baby fat.” And yes, you were totally in the best sorority, EVER and love all 150 of your closest sisters, but news flash, you don’t have to invite them. So, having said that, who do you have to invite? Of course your parentals and immediate family are a must. But, make sure to invite Ms. Susie, the sweet lady who wiped your bottom and dried your tears when your own mother wasn’t available. Invite the girl friend you only talk to twice a year, but who if called you at 3AM and she asked you, you would gladly fly cross country to get to her just because she needed you. Ask the friend who's life is just as busy as yours, so when you are finally able to chat with her, you talk and laugh hysterically for hours on end feeling as if no time had passed since the last time you talked.

These are the sweet souls you want on your list. Invite the people who really matter in your life. Ask the ones who have shaped you into the woman your man loves. Invite the people who are currently helping mold you into the woman you want to be. Simply put, invite your people. These are the ones who challenge you to be a better person, who love you through thick and thin, know your faults and love you for them. I’m sure when you finally sit down to make this list; it’s short and sweet… It’s just as it should be.

Why is this little list so important? Because keeping it organic like this often it means everyone pretty much knows everyone and if they don’t, they feel as if they do. The stuffy formality of larger events is forgone and in return you get the completed puzzle effect. Everything and everyone fits together perfectly, just as it should.

Reward yourself with as much love and admiration as you possibly can on your wedding day. By surrounding yourself with those who truly love you, and whom you genuinely love, I promise you’ll have an evening like no other. Personally, I can’t imagine a better way to start a marriage than by engulfing yourself with all that truly matters and absolutely nothing don’t doesn’t. 

XOXO- Tanya

Monday, November 25, 2013

An informal introduction to Bailey and Gideon's special day

Now that Bailey and Gideon are married and back state side from a long honeymoon in Italy, I can finally share with you a few details from their very special day. Please keep in mind; these are from my cell phone, and NOT her photographer. I can’t wait to see what Natalie and Jennifer from Soul Rebels were able to capture.

 My Favorite detail on the children's tables: 

The first detail I am excited to show you was the custom coloring books for the children’s table we had made. On the cover is a sketch of both Bailey and Gideon. As you can see, it’s slap adorable. 

But, the best part of the custom books was the fact, Bailey and Gideon were able to tell their story. It told the story of how they met, where their first date was, what they enjoyed doing and so much more. Bailey was able to work closely with the artist to make sure the story and the graphics were a true representation of them and who they are as a couple. While they were made for the children's entertainment, I saw many adults taking them and enjoying the read. To me, this was worth it's weight in gold and something her family can enjoy over and over again. Some of the pages even had drawings of friends and family who were close to them. One page was dedicated to the entire wedding party and had everyone of them drawn out. Seriously, these were so much fun and a great addition to the kids table.

The favor table

When you think of fall, what comes to mind? Well, if your anything like me, you think about cool weather, fire places and candied apples. While Bailey had all three of these things on her wedding day, the candied apples are what we're going to talk about now. Actually, 125 of them to be exact. Bailey wanted something different for her favors. She also wanted something everyone would enjoy and knowing her guests as well as she does, she knew candied apples was the way to their hearts. So, that's just what we did. WE offered everyone candied apples, 4 different kinds! To make sure the presentation was over the top, we incorporated a variety of different apples shown at several different heights. We also displayed several of her bridal portraitists by candle light with a little up lighting to give it a sweet and yet dramatic effect. Needless to say, this table was topic of conversation ALL NIGHT LONG. Again, these were taken with my phone and do not do this presentation justice. Have i mentioned I can't wait to see what Natalie and Jennifer were able to photograph?

Did someone say, cake??

Cake, cake and more cake! And let me tell you, there were plenty of sweet sugary goodness to go around. Don't believe me? See for yourself!

As you can see, Bailey had a hard time choosing just one flavor, so like any normal girl, she chose here favorites. Which meant she needed more than one cake. One cake had 2 different flavors and man-o-man am I glad she did too! The display was not only beautiful,  but they DELISH too!
Gideon on the other had did show some small  bit of self restraint, if you call it that.(haha) He chose two different flavors and had them surrounded entirely by chocolate dipped strawberries. One of the flavors was called, "ding dong" cake. It was devoured in a matter of minutes. Again, it was gone in a matter of minutes! No lie! I didn't get to taste it, but by the looks on everyone's face who did, it was something to seriously enjoy. 

The Setup

Gideon has two children whom Bailey absolutely adores. The sweet thing, they adore Bailey just as much.  Instead of doing a sweetheart table for just the Bailey and Gideon, they opted to have the kids sit with them to dine. They wanted the kids to know they were just as important to this wedding, after all they were now officially a family... Something in their hearts they had been already for so long. The wedding was just a formality. So, when you look at this picture, I want you, the reader to know there were actually two other sweet souls sitting at this table, contributing this union, a part of this family. They had their own special details at their place-settings, I just forgot to capture them. It's my biggest regret of the day. But, that's why I plan and not photograph, thank goodness!

Lastly, I will leave you with an overall picture of the tent from the inside. Again, these were taken early and with my phone. So, you don't get a true feeling of the lighting and set up.
 It's a 40x60 tent with string lighting, draping, up lighting, two chandeliers and much more.

When I am able to post the actual professional pictures from their wedding, I will tell you all about the GORGEOUS location (which almost demands it's own separate blog), how much I adore this family and how I almost got stuck in a fence. Yes, I almost got stuck in a fence people. (And everyone thinks being an event planner is glamorous.) btw, I later learned it was an electric fence and luckily the electricity had been turned off for the evening! Can you say, LUCKY ME:?!! Whew!

Talk to you soon,



This blogging thing...

Blogging is meant to be fun. It’s meant to be an outlet. But, for me it’s hard. I hate writing. I’m not good at it and in typical Tanya fashion, anything I’m not good at, I don’t want to do. Here is where I admit I should have paid more attention in third grade when Mrs. Warfel was trying to teach me where to put my commas and punctuation. As it stands now, I tend to put a comma where ever I think the reader needs to breath and all other punctuation is optional. I guess this is from all of my years in band and reading music. Yep, my ole French horn playing years apparently weren’t for nothing, folks!

Anyway, this blogging thing as I am told is the way of the business world. It’s no longer about websites, but rather blogs. That’s ok though, as long as you understand I’m an event planner, wife and mother; not a grammar guru, we’ll be good to go.

So, here is the to the blogging world…. Let’s get this party started. : )