Monday, November 25, 2013

This blogging thing...

Blogging is meant to be fun. It’s meant to be an outlet. But, for me it’s hard. I hate writing. I’m not good at it and in typical Tanya fashion, anything I’m not good at, I don’t want to do. Here is where I admit I should have paid more attention in third grade when Mrs. Warfel was trying to teach me where to put my commas and punctuation. As it stands now, I tend to put a comma where ever I think the reader needs to breath and all other punctuation is optional. I guess this is from all of my years in band and reading music. Yep, my ole French horn playing years apparently weren’t for nothing, folks!

Anyway, this blogging thing as I am told is the way of the business world. It’s no longer about websites, but rather blogs. That’s ok though, as long as you understand I’m an event planner, wife and mother; not a grammar guru, we’ll be good to go.

So, here is the to the blogging world…. Let’s get this party started. : )

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