Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Should guests start eating prior to the bride and grooms announcment?

This morning, I received an email from a very talented DJ asking my thoughts on an issue. Actually, it’s a very good question and comes up quite often with brides as well as event chairs on the daily bases.  The question was this, “I’ve been researching the proper times for the guests to start eating the meal. Before of after the bride and groom arrive? Just about all of the DJ’s across the country say that the guests’ always wait for the bride and groom to arrive before eating. It seems that only here in the Shreveport area, the guests start eating before the B&G arrive. How do you feel about that?”

To allow guests to dine prior to the bride and grooms arrival is a very important decision. You can bet, this one decision will affect your entire reception atmosphere. So please do not underestimate its importance!

If you are having any event at the lunch or dinner hour, you need to feed your guest as soon as possible. Generally, we in the south eat earlier than the rest of our nations counter parts. So, when the 6 pm hours hits, our bodies are trained to start looking for food. What happens when we are hungry and are forced to wait too long? We get grumpy! It doesn’t matter if we are northerners or southerners, you let any of us get too hungry and we go mad. Plane and simple, we go stark raving mad. Yes, I’m sure even Pollyanna herself would come across as Cruella Deville if she were forced to wait to long to dine. Also, we have to consider the most elderly eat way sooner than we do. Think about it, they often eat dinner between 4-5pm! Also, if you have any out of town guests, you have to consider they might not have had an opportunity to eat a good meal the day of your wedding, so chances are they too are starving.

To make sure everyone is happy, including you, this is what I would recommend. Please keep in mind; if you have a buffet and are comfortable with people eating while you are taking your pictures then you can stop reading, because you are good to go. But, if you want your guest to wait on you, this is what I propose no matter if you are serving a plated meal or a buffet. Following these suggestions will surly make for much happy guests.

The first simple step is to make sure to have a few hors d'œuvres for your guest to snack on. You are not trying to fill them up at this point, so don’t go overboard ordering every fancy appetizer you can think of. A few nice items will work perfectly. Try to have them hand passed if possible. By doing this you will find you need less, thus saving you money and I am all about saving you money! Bare in mind, you only want to appease the masses and keep them in a social mood, not gorge them. Also, make sure they have access to a beverage or two. This can mean anything from an open bar to a nicely dressed beverage station of different selections of teas and flavored waters. By offering these few items, you keeping them interested in your reception and looking forward to sharing your first meal as the new, “Mr. & Mrs.”!

 Tip-by serving items containing bread, you are offering your guests something that is a bit hearty, but it won't fill them up.

While writing this, I realized you may need a bit of help trying to figure out how to accomplish this while still staying within your reception budget. So, here you go, I hope it helps.

Are you serving a plated meal and need to save money? If so, this is your section.

If you are having a plated meal and can not add the extra expense of the hors d'œuvres, I would ask the banquet staff to pre-set your tea, water, salad and bread. Yes, you read that correctly! Pre-set your tea, water, salad and bread. I heard you just gasp and yes, I know it’s not ideal. However, would you prefer let your guests eat just that small portion and be happy or risk loosing them? I will be honest, it never fails when people arrive at the reception site and realize they are going to have to wait to eat, some choose to leave and go to dinner else where. At that point your table of 10 just became a table of 8 with 2 lonely place settings open and unattended. I have seen it happen at every function where something small to eat was not offered and I hate it. But, let me tell you this, if you will give them just that small offering, they are happy, social and you just managed to saved yourself two very important thins. The first is your beautiful table place setting isn’t unattended any longer and best yet, you shaved time off of your dinner service! What does this mean? At least an extra 20 minutes more of dancing and celebrating with your friends! That’s a lot of time when you think the average wedding reception is only 3 hours.

 Would you be disappointed to walk into a room and have this waiting on you? Yea, didn't think so!

How a buffet can offer you far more than you thought possible.

If you want your guests to wait until your arrival to dine and you are serving a buffet, you are at a bit of an advantage. To save money, I would recommend pulling a few small items off the buffet line, namely the imported cheese display and crudite platter almost every buffet is so lusciously always blessed with. These items are always filler items anyway, so they won’t be missed, if anything better utilized. Also, make sure to place them in a separate room or very close to the main entrance of the reception room. But, please keep in mind, you do not want to block a door way or cause your guests to back up. Also, try if possible to place the table in the center of an area, not against the wall.  This is a strategic set up and I would strongly recommend getting your banquet managers opinion on its placement. This person will know what works best in their space. They have been working their room and know the best way to execute the delivery for the most optimal flow. Lean on this person for their knowledge, skill and expertise, after all this is their "home". Simply explain what you are trying to accomplish and I am sure they will be more than happy to execute it for you should it be possible. Please bare in mind, when you open the buffet, you will need to dismiss the tables or you going to have a serious line of people all trying to eat all at once. This is what I call, the cattle call effect. Trust me, you don't want this. So, if you insist on making them wait for you, please don't forget to dismiss the tables. Oh, don’t forget you will still need to offer a selection of beverages to quench their thirst. 

 I bet you didn't think a fruit and cheese display could be so attractive.

Please keep in mind, these tips will not work for everyone or every venue, but a vast majority will be fine to follow my advise. These tips will not only make for happier party goers, but will save you money as well. There are a few other things you could do, but I can’t give all of my secrets away now can I? : )

Happy dining!

LSUS Wedding/Event Planning Class 

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