Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What's makes an event bag special?

You may know what I am speaking of by the following names; Tote Bag, Emergency Kit, Ditty Bag, Suite Case, Magic Bag, Bag-O-Tricks and my personal favorite, Bag of Many Bags

People always ask me, “Tanya, what in the world do you carry in your, (insert your favorite name from above list)”?  This always tickles me because honestly, I try to pack anything and everything I think I may need. Not only do I pack anything I can squeeze into my bag, but I try desperately to be organized about it. I mean, what good is it to have a bag if you can’t find what you are looking for? Now ladies, don’t act like you don’t know what I am talking about. We have all owned a purse that managed to hide our car keys and favorite lip-gloss from us and put it in a place even the sock monster wouldn’t go. So yes, it’s true. I have a bag of bags so to say. With that being said, when I need something out of my bag or bags, I need it quickly! I might need anything from a lighter to light candles to sinus medication for an allergy prone Father of the Groom. That’s the thing; I never know what I might need, so I might as well prepare for whatever issue pops up.
Generally after I give the, “anything and everything” statement they quickly want to know what my favorite thing is and what’s the weirdest thing. I can tell you the answers to both in an instant, but let me start with my favorite first. After I had to use one once, I knew they were a must for my, “Bag of Bags”. To me, they are known as, “Adhesive Gold” that’s how great they are.  So, without further ado, my favorite item is (drum roll please)………….....Blister Band-Aids
Yes, you read that correctly, Blister Band-Aides. These are special band aids made by Jhonson and Jhonson and they work wonderfully. They are rather pricy, but well worth every cent. 

During a wedding, there is nothing worse than watching a bride or one of her bridesmaids limp down the aisle during the processional due to a blister. The walk looks anything but graceful and the grimace on her pretty face makes for horrible pictures! It’s the same effect to watch an Event-Chair who has been planning the perfect event for a year try to walk across the ballroom room only to look like a wounded doe. Let’s face it ladies, Jimmy Choo is a fantastic shoe designer, but sometimes even Jimmy needs a little help. That is where these band aids come in, they are like no regular band aid you have ever come across, and should you ever need them, you too will think of them as, Adhesive Gold too! I honestly think somewhere, someone has to have written and ode to these ban-aides and if not, they should!

I would have to say the oddest thing I always carry with me is two equally important items. Aloe Vera skin lotion and a good lidocaine spray. You never know when you are going to have a golfing groom spend a weee bit too much time out on the golf course the morning of the wedding. Yes ladies, I have seen this one happen. At least this way, he is not in as much pain and grimacing all evening. The lidocaine can also help out with minor scrapes, cuts and insect bites/stings, so it’s a double win for me. But, that’s another story because if you need it for insect bites/stings, chances are you need Benadryl too. In which yes, I have that too.

Speaking of other things I have in my bag-o-tricks; nail clippers, finger nail file, aspirin, stomach medicine, Advil, cough drops, hair pins, hair spray, scissors, lighters, flash lights, tooth brushes, tooth paste, mouth wash, tweezers, crochet hooks, safety pins, straight pins, alcohol swipes,  baby wipes, children’s pain reliever, lip gloss, deodorant, feminine products,  lotion, q-tips, shaving razors, shaving cream, two different types of shoe shine wipes, chewing gum, storage bags, finger nail polish remover, clear finger nail polish, a permanent marker, floral tape, floral pins, a neutral shade of lip stick and lip gloss, a hair brush and this is not everything, but you get the idea. I am always walking through the store finding new things I think I might need. I try to be prepared for whatever comes up. But, there are times when I need something I don’t have and am forced to improvise. In cases such as this, you learn what you’re made of and when the evening is over, you make sure to run to your local store and buy whatever said item is and immediately toss it in your favorite bag. I always try to live by the old Boy Scout saying, ALWAYS BE PREPARED, or at least try too. : )

Medicine bag

A few of the loose items you will find

My sewing bag

Happy baggage!



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