Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Go big or go home? I think not.

Weddings are defiantly something to be respected and treasured. Your wedding is most likely the only time in your life you will ever have all of yours and your hunny’s cumulative friends and family under one roof, so why not really celebrate this fact and use it to your benefit? In an era of, go big or go home, I challenge you to go against the grain and go just the opposite. To you, I say three little words…. Keep it intimate. If you want a wedding and reception that’s classy, fun and yet feels organic, keeping it small is the way to achieve all three.   

I realize you have to invite dear Aunt Sally who hasn’t laid eyes on you since you were prepubescent, which was so long ago you still had what your mother so affectionately referred to as, “baby fat.” And yes, you were totally in the best sorority, EVER and love all 150 of your closest sisters, but news flash, you don’t have to invite them. So, having said that, who do you have to invite? Of course your parentals and immediate family are a must. But, make sure to invite Ms. Susie, the sweet lady who wiped your bottom and dried your tears when your own mother wasn’t available. Invite the girl friend you only talk to twice a year, but who if called you at 3AM and she asked you, you would gladly fly cross country to get to her just because she needed you. Ask the friend who's life is just as busy as yours, so when you are finally able to chat with her, you talk and laugh hysterically for hours on end feeling as if no time had passed since the last time you talked.

These are the sweet souls you want on your list. Invite the people who really matter in your life. Ask the ones who have shaped you into the woman your man loves. Invite the people who are currently helping mold you into the woman you want to be. Simply put, invite your people. These are the ones who challenge you to be a better person, who love you through thick and thin, know your faults and love you for them. I’m sure when you finally sit down to make this list; it’s short and sweet… It’s just as it should be.

Why is this little list so important? Because keeping it organic like this often it means everyone pretty much knows everyone and if they don’t, they feel as if they do. The stuffy formality of larger events is forgone and in return you get the completed puzzle effect. Everything and everyone fits together perfectly, just as it should.

Reward yourself with as much love and admiration as you possibly can on your wedding day. By surrounding yourself with those who truly love you, and whom you genuinely love, I promise you’ll have an evening like no other. Personally, I can’t imagine a better way to start a marriage than by engulfing yourself with all that truly matters and absolutely nothing don’t doesn’t. 

XOXO- Tanya

Monday, November 25, 2013

An informal introduction to Bailey and Gideon's special day

Now that Bailey and Gideon are married and back state side from a long honeymoon in Italy, I can finally share with you a few details from their very special day. Please keep in mind; these are from my cell phone, and NOT her photographer. I can’t wait to see what Natalie and Jennifer from Soul Rebels were able to capture.

 My Favorite detail on the children's tables: 

The first detail I am excited to show you was the custom coloring books for the children’s table we had made. On the cover is a sketch of both Bailey and Gideon. As you can see, it’s slap adorable. 

But, the best part of the custom books was the fact, Bailey and Gideon were able to tell their story. It told the story of how they met, where their first date was, what they enjoyed doing and so much more. Bailey was able to work closely with the artist to make sure the story and the graphics were a true representation of them and who they are as a couple. While they were made for the children's entertainment, I saw many adults taking them and enjoying the read. To me, this was worth it's weight in gold and something her family can enjoy over and over again. Some of the pages even had drawings of friends and family who were close to them. One page was dedicated to the entire wedding party and had everyone of them drawn out. Seriously, these were so much fun and a great addition to the kids table.

The favor table

When you think of fall, what comes to mind? Well, if your anything like me, you think about cool weather, fire places and candied apples. While Bailey had all three of these things on her wedding day, the candied apples are what we're going to talk about now. Actually, 125 of them to be exact. Bailey wanted something different for her favors. She also wanted something everyone would enjoy and knowing her guests as well as she does, she knew candied apples was the way to their hearts. So, that's just what we did. WE offered everyone candied apples, 4 different kinds! To make sure the presentation was over the top, we incorporated a variety of different apples shown at several different heights. We also displayed several of her bridal portraitists by candle light with a little up lighting to give it a sweet and yet dramatic effect. Needless to say, this table was topic of conversation ALL NIGHT LONG. Again, these were taken with my phone and do not do this presentation justice. Have i mentioned I can't wait to see what Natalie and Jennifer were able to photograph?

Did someone say, cake??

Cake, cake and more cake! And let me tell you, there were plenty of sweet sugary goodness to go around. Don't believe me? See for yourself!

As you can see, Bailey had a hard time choosing just one flavor, so like any normal girl, she chose here favorites. Which meant she needed more than one cake. One cake had 2 different flavors and man-o-man am I glad she did too! The display was not only beautiful,  but they DELISH too!
Gideon on the other had did show some small  bit of self restraint, if you call it that.(haha) He chose two different flavors and had them surrounded entirely by chocolate dipped strawberries. One of the flavors was called, "ding dong" cake. It was devoured in a matter of minutes. Again, it was gone in a matter of minutes! No lie! I didn't get to taste it, but by the looks on everyone's face who did, it was something to seriously enjoy. 

The Setup

Gideon has two children whom Bailey absolutely adores. The sweet thing, they adore Bailey just as much.  Instead of doing a sweetheart table for just the Bailey and Gideon, they opted to have the kids sit with them to dine. They wanted the kids to know they were just as important to this wedding, after all they were now officially a family... Something in their hearts they had been already for so long. The wedding was just a formality. So, when you look at this picture, I want you, the reader to know there were actually two other sweet souls sitting at this table, contributing this union, a part of this family. They had their own special details at their place-settings, I just forgot to capture them. It's my biggest regret of the day. But, that's why I plan and not photograph, thank goodness!

Lastly, I will leave you with an overall picture of the tent from the inside. Again, these were taken early and with my phone. So, you don't get a true feeling of the lighting and set up.
 It's a 40x60 tent with string lighting, draping, up lighting, two chandeliers and much more.

When I am able to post the actual professional pictures from their wedding, I will tell you all about the GORGEOUS location (which almost demands it's own separate blog), how much I adore this family and how I almost got stuck in a fence. Yes, I almost got stuck in a fence people. (And everyone thinks being an event planner is glamorous.) btw, I later learned it was an electric fence and luckily the electricity had been turned off for the evening! Can you say, LUCKY ME:?!! Whew!

Talk to you soon,



This blogging thing...

Blogging is meant to be fun. It’s meant to be an outlet. But, for me it’s hard. I hate writing. I’m not good at it and in typical Tanya fashion, anything I’m not good at, I don’t want to do. Here is where I admit I should have paid more attention in third grade when Mrs. Warfel was trying to teach me where to put my commas and punctuation. As it stands now, I tend to put a comma where ever I think the reader needs to breath and all other punctuation is optional. I guess this is from all of my years in band and reading music. Yep, my ole French horn playing years apparently weren’t for nothing, folks!

Anyway, this blogging thing as I am told is the way of the business world. It’s no longer about websites, but rather blogs. That’s ok though, as long as you understand I’m an event planner, wife and mother; not a grammar guru, we’ll be good to go.

So, here is the to the blogging world…. Let’s get this party started. : )

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What's makes an event bag special?

You may know what I am speaking of by the following names; Tote Bag, Emergency Kit, Ditty Bag, Suite Case, Magic Bag, Bag-O-Tricks and my personal favorite, Bag of Many Bags

People always ask me, “Tanya, what in the world do you carry in your, (insert your favorite name from above list)”?  This always tickles me because honestly, I try to pack anything and everything I think I may need. Not only do I pack anything I can squeeze into my bag, but I try desperately to be organized about it. I mean, what good is it to have a bag if you can’t find what you are looking for? Now ladies, don’t act like you don’t know what I am talking about. We have all owned a purse that managed to hide our car keys and favorite lip-gloss from us and put it in a place even the sock monster wouldn’t go. So yes, it’s true. I have a bag of bags so to say. With that being said, when I need something out of my bag or bags, I need it quickly! I might need anything from a lighter to light candles to sinus medication for an allergy prone Father of the Groom. That’s the thing; I never know what I might need, so I might as well prepare for whatever issue pops up.
Generally after I give the, “anything and everything” statement they quickly want to know what my favorite thing is and what’s the weirdest thing. I can tell you the answers to both in an instant, but let me start with my favorite first. After I had to use one once, I knew they were a must for my, “Bag of Bags”. To me, they are known as, “Adhesive Gold” that’s how great they are.  So, without further ado, my favorite item is (drum roll please)………….....Blister Band-Aids
Yes, you read that correctly, Blister Band-Aides. These are special band aids made by Jhonson and Jhonson and they work wonderfully. They are rather pricy, but well worth every cent. 

During a wedding, there is nothing worse than watching a bride or one of her bridesmaids limp down the aisle during the processional due to a blister. The walk looks anything but graceful and the grimace on her pretty face makes for horrible pictures! It’s the same effect to watch an Event-Chair who has been planning the perfect event for a year try to walk across the ballroom room only to look like a wounded doe. Let’s face it ladies, Jimmy Choo is a fantastic shoe designer, but sometimes even Jimmy needs a little help. That is where these band aids come in, they are like no regular band aid you have ever come across, and should you ever need them, you too will think of them as, Adhesive Gold too! I honestly think somewhere, someone has to have written and ode to these ban-aides and if not, they should!

I would have to say the oddest thing I always carry with me is two equally important items. Aloe Vera skin lotion and a good lidocaine spray. You never know when you are going to have a golfing groom spend a weee bit too much time out on the golf course the morning of the wedding. Yes ladies, I have seen this one happen. At least this way, he is not in as much pain and grimacing all evening. The lidocaine can also help out with minor scrapes, cuts and insect bites/stings, so it’s a double win for me. But, that’s another story because if you need it for insect bites/stings, chances are you need Benadryl too. In which yes, I have that too.

Speaking of other things I have in my bag-o-tricks; nail clippers, finger nail file, aspirin, stomach medicine, Advil, cough drops, hair pins, hair spray, scissors, lighters, flash lights, tooth brushes, tooth paste, mouth wash, tweezers, crochet hooks, safety pins, straight pins, alcohol swipes,  baby wipes, children’s pain reliever, lip gloss, deodorant, feminine products,  lotion, q-tips, shaving razors, shaving cream, two different types of shoe shine wipes, chewing gum, storage bags, finger nail polish remover, clear finger nail polish, a permanent marker, floral tape, floral pins, a neutral shade of lip stick and lip gloss, a hair brush and this is not everything, but you get the idea. I am always walking through the store finding new things I think I might need. I try to be prepared for whatever comes up. But, there are times when I need something I don’t have and am forced to improvise. In cases such as this, you learn what you’re made of and when the evening is over, you make sure to run to your local store and buy whatever said item is and immediately toss it in your favorite bag. I always try to live by the old Boy Scout saying, ALWAYS BE PREPARED, or at least try too. : )

Medicine bag

A few of the loose items you will find

My sewing bag

Happy baggage!



Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tanya Harville Events, LLC is teaching at LSUS!

Once you answer his all important question with the word, "yes", you my friend are in for what I hope is a wonderfully, magical engagement season. What’s an engagement season you ask? It begins the moment you agree to marry your, Mr. Wonderful and ends when you are safely on your way as the new Mr. & Mrs. to your honeymoon destination. It’s all of the months you will spend fantasizing about your big day. All the nights you lay in your bed dreaming of every magical detail. Not to mention all of the many afternoons you, your mother and your army of girlfriends obsess over the perfect shade of blue for your bridesmaid gowns. And don't forget all of the events built around your wedding day; the announcement to family and friends, your engagement party, your bridal showers and bachelorette party. See, I told you it was an engagement season! But in the midst of this magical time you, my blushing bride, have several decisions to make. 

Let’s be frank, it doesn’t matter if you are planning a small intimate affair in the garden for fifty, or a large extravaganza in a massive ballroom for four hundred, you have a lot of important decisions to take into consideration such as; What gown looks best on me my body style? Do I really need to send out Save-the-Dates? How formal does my invitation need to be? When do I mail them out? What different types of invitations are available to me? I have a both two step parents, what is proper etiquette for its wording? Where should I hold my wedding and reception? Buffet or plated? How much cake do I need to order? Can I afford a band or do I need a DJ? They want me to sign contracts! Is this normal? How much is normal to pay for table linens? What photographer fits our personality as well as our budget? How do I save money on my bar bill? Who makes a toast? What are the roles of my vendors and what is proper to ask of them. Who do I have to purchase gifts for? What should I look for in a vendor and what do I ask while interviewing? What am I allowed to ask my bridesmaids to assist me with? What does my family pay for and what does my future groom’s family pay for? How do I find a vendor who will not gouge me and yet work with me to see my vision through? Yes, as a new bride you have many new things to think about and consider. After all, this day signifies the first day of the rest of your lives, right?
Did I send you into bridal over load? Don’t be afraid, I have just the thing for you. Every Monday from 6:30-8:30 pm February 28th and March 28th I will be offering a class on wedding and event planning at LSUS. All of the questions I listed above and more will be addressed during the month long class.  During this time I will answer your questions, show you different cake styles, floral arrangements, photography styles, designer bridesmaid dresses, how to analyze your wedding budget, invitations, save-the-dates, ideas for wedding guests’ favors and much more! 

All you have to do is click on the link and register today!
LSUS Wedding & Event Planning Link

I promise it will be informative and fun!

Happy planning!


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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tanya Harville Events: Should guests start eating prior to the bride and ...

Tanya Harville Events: Should guests start eating prior to the bride and ...: " This morning, I received an email from a very talented DJ asking my thoughts on an issue. Actually, it’s a very good question and ..."

Should guests start eating prior to the bride and grooms announcment?

This morning, I received an email from a very talented DJ asking my thoughts on an issue. Actually, it’s a very good question and comes up quite often with brides as well as event chairs on the daily bases.  The question was this, “I’ve been researching the proper times for the guests to start eating the meal. Before of after the bride and groom arrive? Just about all of the DJ’s across the country say that the guests’ always wait for the bride and groom to arrive before eating. It seems that only here in the Shreveport area, the guests start eating before the B&G arrive. How do you feel about that?”

To allow guests to dine prior to the bride and grooms arrival is a very important decision. You can bet, this one decision will affect your entire reception atmosphere. So please do not underestimate its importance!

If you are having any event at the lunch or dinner hour, you need to feed your guest as soon as possible. Generally, we in the south eat earlier than the rest of our nations counter parts. So, when the 6 pm hours hits, our bodies are trained to start looking for food. What happens when we are hungry and are forced to wait too long? We get grumpy! It doesn’t matter if we are northerners or southerners, you let any of us get too hungry and we go mad. Plane and simple, we go stark raving mad. Yes, I’m sure even Pollyanna herself would come across as Cruella Deville if she were forced to wait to long to dine. Also, we have to consider the most elderly eat way sooner than we do. Think about it, they often eat dinner between 4-5pm! Also, if you have any out of town guests, you have to consider they might not have had an opportunity to eat a good meal the day of your wedding, so chances are they too are starving.

To make sure everyone is happy, including you, this is what I would recommend. Please keep in mind; if you have a buffet and are comfortable with people eating while you are taking your pictures then you can stop reading, because you are good to go. But, if you want your guest to wait on you, this is what I propose no matter if you are serving a plated meal or a buffet. Following these suggestions will surly make for much happy guests.

The first simple step is to make sure to have a few hors d'œuvres for your guest to snack on. You are not trying to fill them up at this point, so don’t go overboard ordering every fancy appetizer you can think of. A few nice items will work perfectly. Try to have them hand passed if possible. By doing this you will find you need less, thus saving you money and I am all about saving you money! Bare in mind, you only want to appease the masses and keep them in a social mood, not gorge them. Also, make sure they have access to a beverage or two. This can mean anything from an open bar to a nicely dressed beverage station of different selections of teas and flavored waters. By offering these few items, you keeping them interested in your reception and looking forward to sharing your first meal as the new, “Mr. & Mrs.”!

 Tip-by serving items containing bread, you are offering your guests something that is a bit hearty, but it won't fill them up.

While writing this, I realized you may need a bit of help trying to figure out how to accomplish this while still staying within your reception budget. So, here you go, I hope it helps.

Are you serving a plated meal and need to save money? If so, this is your section.

If you are having a plated meal and can not add the extra expense of the hors d'œuvres, I would ask the banquet staff to pre-set your tea, water, salad and bread. Yes, you read that correctly! Pre-set your tea, water, salad and bread. I heard you just gasp and yes, I know it’s not ideal. However, would you prefer let your guests eat just that small portion and be happy or risk loosing them? I will be honest, it never fails when people arrive at the reception site and realize they are going to have to wait to eat, some choose to leave and go to dinner else where. At that point your table of 10 just became a table of 8 with 2 lonely place settings open and unattended. I have seen it happen at every function where something small to eat was not offered and I hate it. But, let me tell you this, if you will give them just that small offering, they are happy, social and you just managed to saved yourself two very important thins. The first is your beautiful table place setting isn’t unattended any longer and best yet, you shaved time off of your dinner service! What does this mean? At least an extra 20 minutes more of dancing and celebrating with your friends! That’s a lot of time when you think the average wedding reception is only 3 hours.

 Would you be disappointed to walk into a room and have this waiting on you? Yea, didn't think so!

How a buffet can offer you far more than you thought possible.

If you want your guests to wait until your arrival to dine and you are serving a buffet, you are at a bit of an advantage. To save money, I would recommend pulling a few small items off the buffet line, namely the imported cheese display and crudite platter almost every buffet is so lusciously always blessed with. These items are always filler items anyway, so they won’t be missed, if anything better utilized. Also, make sure to place them in a separate room or very close to the main entrance of the reception room. But, please keep in mind, you do not want to block a door way or cause your guests to back up. Also, try if possible to place the table in the center of an area, not against the wall.  This is a strategic set up and I would strongly recommend getting your banquet managers opinion on its placement. This person will know what works best in their space. They have been working their room and know the best way to execute the delivery for the most optimal flow. Lean on this person for their knowledge, skill and expertise, after all this is their "home". Simply explain what you are trying to accomplish and I am sure they will be more than happy to execute it for you should it be possible. Please bare in mind, when you open the buffet, you will need to dismiss the tables or you going to have a serious line of people all trying to eat all at once. This is what I call, the cattle call effect. Trust me, you don't want this. So, if you insist on making them wait for you, please don't forget to dismiss the tables. Oh, don’t forget you will still need to offer a selection of beverages to quench their thirst. 

 I bet you didn't think a fruit and cheese display could be so attractive.

Please keep in mind, these tips will not work for everyone or every venue, but a vast majority will be fine to follow my advise. These tips will not only make for happier party goers, but will save you money as well. There are a few other things you could do, but I can’t give all of my secrets away now can I? : )

Happy dining!

LSUS Wedding/Event Planning Class